Attention: Utility Company Profits Are Soaring Despite The Economy And There Is No End In Sight For Them Or For Your Utility Bill...

“Discover The Hidden Secrets To Building Your Own Windpower & Solar System So You Can Quickly And Easily Reduce Your Home Electric Bill To Almost $0 Dollars Every Single Month.”

With my step-by-step instruction manual, you can build your own wind power and solar system and almost eliminate your electric bill completely by generating your own electricity, even if you have ZERO technical skills and have never done anything like this before!


From: Alan Hopkins

RE: No More Utility Bills!




Dear Friend,

There's probably only 2 types of people that are happy about the utility companies and their constantly increasing profits...

The guys running them... and the people investing in them.

I have spent the better part of my career studying wind and solar power for the US Government and major electrical companies.

My time and experience in this profession has given me many insights into power.

The most important insight may just be the ability to develop an inexpensive and highly effective method for eliminating electric bills...

All without the need to reduce my energy consumption.

More on this in a moment, but first, here's why I first decided to share what I know about eliminating electric bills with the public, against the wishes of the power companies...

Hard Economic Times Resulting In A **Surge** Of Electricity Theft (No Pun Intended)...

Yes, during these hard economic times, there has been an alarming number of people jimmy rigging their meters or attempting other means to steal electricity -- in fact, it's been all over recent news...

Yes, things are so tough for some that they are resorting to theft to get their electric for free -- and you DON'T have to do that as you'll soon discover.

Yet... while people are hurting themselves (and worse) to get free power...

On The Flip Side, Power Company Profits And Executive Compensations Are Skyrocketing!

While good people are resorting to desperate measures to keep power on in their homes, on the opposite side of the fence the power companies are seeing record profits...

... and the executives are all enjoying healthy pay raises!

It just doesn't seem fair, does it?

Well, Now You Can Take Back The Power, Cut Into Their Profits, Eliminate Your Electric Bill, And Help Preserve Our Planet All At The Same Time!

For the first time ever, I am sharing what I have learned about the power companies and their ever tightening grip on us.

The utility companies are charging us way too much for power and now it's finally time to turn the tide on them...

They know that they can set the price as high as they want and millions of people will have to pay it. You need electricity and you have no other way of getting it, right?!

Wrong and I am here to show you just what I mean...

This is a serious chance for you to drastically reduce your monthly expenses. It's even possible to eliminate your electric bill or even earn money from the power company.

That’s right, my step-by-step fully illustrated manual will show you how to harness the forces of nature to generate your own FREE ENERGY.

When you produce excess energy, the power company may even pay you!

Here is your opportunity to do your part in helping preserve valuable natural resources.

But, even more of a benefit to you is that you will be able to REDUCE YOUR POWER BILL by as much as 80% and in some cases COMPLETELY ELIMINATE IT!

Why Keep Paying For Electricity When You Could Have The Power Company Paying You!

It’s time to turn the tables on your most costly bills! With the Free Energy Options manual you will quickly learn easy and inexpensive ways to use Wind and Solar energy to your advantage.

And full color illustrations are available -- ANYONE can do this -- even if you have ZERO technical skills!

Maybe you have seen solar panels used by businesses or wind farms along the highway. But, there is no reason why every individual cannot have access to such valuable information.

With Free Energy Options you will be able to build your own Solar Generator and/or Wind Turbine today.

Wonder how this really works?

My fully illustrated step-by-step manual will show you how to build a system to suit your individual needs for $200 or less in raw materials -- and it's so easy that anyone can do it.

Introducing : Free Energy Options!

I've engineered the Free Energy Options system to be simple, straightforward, and easy-to-use. In fact, if you can't set up your own renewable energy solution for less than $200, we'll refund 100% of the purchase price.

My step-by-step manual will show you how to build your own Solar Power System AND Wind Power System regardless of your technical prowess -- I mean ANYONE can do this!

So, how do you create your own renewable energy source at home or your place of business? It's really quite simple...

You see, sunlight and wind are FORCES. And those forces can be converted in any kind of energy using the appropriate technology.

More importantly, those forces -- wind and solar power -- are renewable energies.

This means that this kind of energy is impossible to exhaust because it is generated by natural forces, instead of being created from a controlled reaction like burning fuels or nuclear material.

Here's a peek at what you may experience as someone that applies my step by step instructions found in Free Energy Options:

Your electricity bill will be greatly reduced, if not completely eliminated -- in fact, you might find yourself getting paid by the power company!

The money you save with Free Energy Options will be yours to spend or save and will add up to thousands of dollars saved over time!

You'll no longer be dependent on the energy company and should the day arise where we DO run out of fossil fuels, you'll be prepared and still "powered up"!

You'll be helping to preserve the most important natural resource we have on Earth -- the Earth itself!

Here's Just A Fraction Of What You'll Discover In My Free Energy Options Manual...

When you place your order below, you will IMMEDIATELY receive the entire Free Energy Options system. My guide is brand new and was written by THE top expert in the field.

It includes step-by-step instructions and full color illustrations that make it easy enough for even a novice to follow.

You don't need to be a engineer or have a bunch of special tools to build your own Solar Power System and Wind Power System and save a small fortune on rising electric bills.

Here's what you will receive when you secure your copy of Free Energy Options today...

Complete step-by-step instructions to make your own solar power generator, including blueprints for a 200-watt solar panel and all the different configurations possible.

Complete step-by step instructions to make a professional grade 1000-watt windmill, with detailed diagrams and instructions, using easy-to-find material.

Maintenance and legal information about your new power systems to help you keep your system operational for many years to come.

General tips on how to save money on gas and electricity. Applying simple tips found in Free Energy Options can reduce your energy bills by 30%, even before you build anything!

Secrets to locating the absolute cheapest deals for top quality materials and parts. Some of them can even be obtained for free with my top secret resources!

The ability to save at least 80% on your monthly electric bills up through completely eliminating those electric bills forever!

And so much more!

Now, obviously I am biased about the value of my Free Energy Options guide and how it can help you save thousands in power bills. But don't take my word for it on this one...

See What These Happy Customers Emailed Me To Tell Me What They Thought Of Free Energy Options!

<<Click Here To Eliminate Your Electric Bill With Free Energy Options Today>>

<<Click Here To Eliminate Your Electric Bill With Free Energy Options Today>>

As you can see, these are regular people, just like you and me that were able to quickly follow my guide and start creating massive monthly savings for themselves.

And we have thousands of satisfied customers just like these! I'd love for you to be our next success story!

So, Just How Much Does This Cost And How Much Can I Save With Free Energy Options?

Let me be perfectly blunt here... You can continue to pay high electricity bills that drain your bank account and use valuable resources that we can never get back.


You can become part of the solution to VIRTUALLY ELIMINATE your power bill, while saving the planet too!

According to the Department of Energy the average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year. At an average retail price of 11.35 per kWh this means the average annual electric bill across the US is $938.85.

While Free Energy Options can help you completely eliminate your bill, let's be conservative and say it only helps you reduce your bill by 80% per year.

This would be a yearly savings of $751.08 for you -- an extra $751.08 that you could keep in YOUR pocket to use however you please!

That's why when I began selling this complete system for $297 -- it sold like crazy and customers felt it was worth every penny.

Recently, I began running a special promotion for only $99.97, and this has been flying off the virtual shelves!

But, I want to help as many people eliminate their electric bills as I can... so for a LIMITED time I'm reducing the price even more!

Limited Time Offer Over Half Off!

You've arrived at this page JUST IN TIME to take advantage of my VERY special new re-launch celebration offer: until May 23rd, 2024 , I've decided to offer Free Energy Options for just $48.95 (for a limited time only)... which includes everything described above!

However, please be warned... given the sheer quantity of valuable material that I've packed into this brand-new version of Free Energy Options, and given that I need to recoup my investment of time and resources, I want you to know that I *do* expect to raise the price again shortly, once my re-launch celebration is complete, to the updated price of $99.97.

So if you come back after 3 days, and the special re-launch price and is gone, I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do...

That's right, if you act before May 23rd, 2024, you can secure your copy of Free Energy Options for my limited time special offer of just $48.95 -- another half off for you for acting now -- and an investment that will pay you back MANY MANY times over!

<<Click Here To Eliminate Your Electric Bill With Free Energy Options Today>>

Plus I'll also remove any risk for you with:

My No Questions Asked No Hassle 8 Week 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee!

When You Invest In Free Energy Options You Can Rest Easy With My No Questions Asked No Hassle 8 Week 100% Money Back Guarantee.

I'm 100% confident that once you apply the methods found in my Free Energy Options step by step guide that you will drastically reduce or even eliminate your electric bill entirely!

But if for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied with it simply email me for a no questions asked no hassle refund in full.

Yes, I stand behind what I do and especially in what I have created for you with this money saving, planet preserving, step by step guide.

As such, I'm extremely confident that once you have Free Energy Options in your hands you'll never want to let it go -- after all -- it can help you eliminate your electric bill for good!

But, if for ANY reason at all you're not completely satisfied -- just drop me an email to let me know and I'll promptly and courteously refund you in full, right there on the spot!

Eliminate Your Electric Bill And Pocket That Extra Cash For Whatever You Want, Starting Today!

One of my favorite quotes comes from PT Barnum. He once said, "There is no class of people in the world, who have such good memories as creditors."

There's no question that utility companies have **VERY** good memories.

If you have large utility bills and don't pay, they'll shut off your service, leaving you without power, gas, etc, until you relent and fork over your hard earned cash.

They've had the upper hand for so long and now it's your turn to take it back!

With Free Energy Options you could drastically reduce your electric bills -- even bringing them all the way down to $0 per month -- and you could do it quickly and easily.

Ever heard the old saying, "Information is power"? Well, this information is power -- literally...

... light your home with it...

... keep yourself cool in the summer with it...

... watch television with it...

... run ALL your electric with it... and don't pay the electric company a cent!

It's THAT powerful! All you need to do to begin is click the secure Add To Cart button below and place your order. Upon successful payment you'll be directed to a secure download page where you can access this money saving information immediately.

No waiting! Go ahead and secure your copy of Free Energy Options now:

 Alan Hopkins
 Mechanical Engineer
 President - Free Energy Options
 Personal Email - Alan<AT>FreeEnergyOptions<DOT>com

P.S. - I've been in this business for a LONG TIME and I KNOW utility companies are charging way too much for power. They know that no matter what price they decide upon, people like us will have NO CHOICE but to pay it. Who can live without electricity, right? Well, now you have the ability to eliminate your power bill and keep your hard earned money in your pocket every month, all the while preserving our planet!

P.P.S. - I'm confident that once you see just how much money you'll be saving firsthand, you'll never want to let go of the amazing Free Energy Options step by step guide. However, if for ANY reason within 8 weeks you find that it's not for you, simply email me for a no questions asked, no hassle refund in full!

P.P.P.S. - Our manual is quickly becoming one of the most popular guides for homemade renewable energy available today because it is SO easy to implement, even if you have no technical skills at all. This means that you TRULY can cut your utility bills down to nothing, starting today. You just need to take that first step and order your copy of Free Energy Options today by clicking here:

.:Risk Free Acceptance Form:.

Yes Alan! I want to build my own windpower & solar system, and save (massive amounts of) money on my utility bills and reduce them to almost $0 every month -- starting today!

I understand that I am about to get instant access to all the information I need to create electricity right in my own backyard...

... including detailed step-by-step instructions, full-color illustrations, and sources for ALL materials.

I also understand that this material gives me the power to create power -- which means I can virtually eliminate my electric bill forever!

Your guide is a must have for anyone who wishes to reduce or even completely eliminate their electricity bill, while helping to preserve our planet.

And everything is available by instant download -- there is no wait and I can secure my copy of your valuable guide any time of the day, even if it's 3AM!

Plus -- you've removed any risk for me with your 100% 8 week total satisfaction money back guarantee. I simply cannot lose.

It is on this basis that I am clicking the secure Add To Cart button below and securing my copy of Free Energy Options this instant!

NOTE: This is an e-book (electronic book), which you will be able to DOWNLOAD INSTANTLY.

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